
Algorithm - Weijie Sun

integer factorization algorithm

1 Introduction

Algorithm trivial prime Miller-Rabin primality test
Trial division(baseline) trial_division.py note0
Euler’s factorization method euler_trivial.py note2 note1
Fermat’s factorization method fermatfactor_trivial.py fermatfactor_improved_prime.py
Pollard’s rho algorithm Pollards_rho_trivial.py Pollards_rho_improved_prime.py note3
  • note0 : Trivial Division use the trivial prime, which cannot use Miller-Rabin primality test
  • note1 : Euler’s factorization method stops the algorithm
    when a number cannot found number = a^2 + b^2 = c^2 + d^2. 
    Miller-Rabin is only judge the prime not find the factors.
  • note2 : Since I have not find a better way to find a number = a^2 + b^2 = c^2 + d^2.
    So Euler's spend on the this function I will list after that 
  • note3 : In Pollards_rho Miller-Rabin primality test, inorder to handle some base cases. I use the
    trial_division to handle some special cases.

#Integer factorization:


Trial division: (Baseline)
This is a base line in my integer factorization algorithm project. It is using
a prime sieve for prime number generation which can judge a number is a prime or
continue do factorization.

Running time: in the worst case it is O(2^(n/2)/((n/2)*ln2))

  • n is base-2 n digit number.


Euler’s factorization method:
This is an implementation factorization algorithm, which solves the following problem. Given an number, then find all prime factors. The base knowledge of Euler’s factorization is if
a number = a^2 + b^2 = c^2 + d^2. There is a quickly way to seperate into 2 factors.

Running time: It is very slow, worst case is greater than trial division,
only quick in some special cases and has potient quick.


Fermat’s factorization method:
This is an implementation factorization algorithm, which solves the following problem. Given an number, then find all prime factors. The base knowledge of Fermat’s factorization method:
is if a number = a^2 - b^2 There is a quickly way to seperate into 2 factors.

Running time: Worst case is O(N^{1/2})
General case is O(N^{1/3}) time.


Pollard’s rho algorithm:
This is an implementation factorization algorithm, which solves the following problem. Given an number, then find all prime factors. The base knowledge of Pollard’s rho algorithm is if a find
the abs(x^2+1-x) mod N if not 1 then it is a factor of N.

Running time: General case by the Birthday paradox in O(\sqrt p)\ <= O(n^{1/4})
but this is a heuristic claim, and rigorous analysis of the algorithm remains open.

2 A description of what sort of tests I have included

1 St: 2 primes production (each prime > million)

When the prime is very big, test the speed of each methods.

The testcases: 15485867*32452867 = 502560782130689

Algorithm trivial prime Miller-Rabin primality test
Trial division(baseline) 31.0308229923 null
Euler’s factorization method 32.3473279476+3.276534002 null
Fermat’s factorization method 2.5645339489 3.19916701317
Pollard’s rho algorithm 0.0414018630981 0.0358607769012

The testcases: 15487019*15487469 = 239854726664911

Algorithm trivial prime Miller-Rabin primality test
Trial division(baseline) 22.700715065 null
Euler’s factorization method 21.358424902+3.0871624554 null
Fermat’s factorization method 3.99884200096 2.206387043
Pollard’s rho algorithm 0.0165410041809 0.0110921859741

The testcases: 15490781*67869427 = 1051350430252487

Algorithm trivial prime Miller-Rabin primality test
Trial division(baseline) 53.9460468292 null
Euler’s factorization method 47.7404336929+8.194948196 null
Fermat’s factorization method 8.05504488945 9.30907988548
Pollard’s rho algorithm 0.0999021530151 0.0918011665344

2 nd: 4 primes production (each prime between[1000,9999])

When the prime is big and more factors, test the speed of each methods.

The testcases: 8147 8369 8623 * 7127 = 4190216175859403

Algorithm trivial prime Miller-Rabin primality test
Trial division(baseline) 109.196480989 null
Euler’s factorization method 105.0888099666+5.89233399 null
Fermat’s factorization method 2.5645339489 3.19916701317
Pollard’s rho algorithm 0.0414018630981 0.0358607769012

The testcases: 1259 1451 1613 * 1811 = 5336370322687

Algorithm trivial prime Miller-Rabin primality test
Trial division(baseline) 2.96865296364 null
Euler’s factorization method 3.3992729187+0.5768110752 null
Fermat’s factorization method 5.54617881775 3.116948843
Pollard’s rho algorithm 0.00448799133301 0.00167012214661

The testcases: 6277 5351 8831 * 9733 = 2886979418455921

Algorithm trivial prime Miller-Rabin primality test
Trial division(baseline) 77.4180650711 null
Euler’s factorization method 72.7111520767+13.2122049 null
Fermat’s factorization method 2.87196207047 3.24289989471
Pollard’s rho algorithm 0.479516983032 0.00454497337341

3 rd: over 6 small prime product

When the prime is not that big, but we have more factors for the number which need to be factorization.

The testcases: 13 127 263 419 17 131 269 = 108990674873561

Algorithm trivial prime Miller-Rabin primality test
Trial division(baseline) 12.9187300205 null
Euler’s factorization method 12.9247641563+2.445067882 null
Fermat’s factorization method 3.29201412201 2.98240017891
Pollard’s rho algorithm 0.00494313240051 0.00559782981873

The testcases: 13 17 2 1123 1426499 * 5 = 3540328013170

Algorithm trivial prime Miller-Rabin primality test
Trial division(baseline) 4.11624193192 null
Euler’s factorization method 4.38335967064+0.452334165 null
Fermat’s factorization method 3.39200806618 2.18938994408
Pollard’s rho algorithm 0.00471496582031 0.00225687026978

The testcases: 547 701 29 149 5 * 2 = 16568744870

Algorithm trivial prime Miller-Rabin primality test
Trial division(baseline) 3.92766094208 null
Euler’s factorization method 2.42819094658+0.031641006 null
Fermat’s factorization method 3.00680112839 4.95704817772
Pollard’s rho algorithm 0.0637471675873 0.000675916671753

3 How to run the code:

There is a easy way to run by

Then following the introduction. 

Firstly, you will see this introduction format.

integer factorization algorithm
type the number you want to run the algorithm
eg: 1
then will run the Trial division
1.Trial division
2.Euler’s factorization method
3.Fermat’s factorization method
4.Pollard’s rho algorithm
input the number:

Then input the id of factorization method.

for the 3rd and 4th, you also need to choose the id of the prime generate method.

-+—-1 “Trial division”—-+—“type number of testcases”
| +—“input the number which needs factorization”
+—-2 “Euler’s factorization method”—+—“type number of testcases”
| +—“input the number which needs factorization”
+—-3 “Fermat’s factorization method”—+—“type the prime generate method”
| +—1 “trivial prime”
| + +—“type number of testcases”
| | +—“input the number which needs factorization”
| |
| +—2 “Miller-Rabin primality test”
| +—“type number of testcases”
| +—“input the number which needs factorization”
+—-4 “Pollard’s rho algorithm”—+—“type the prime generate method”
+—1 “trivial prime”
| +—“type number of testcases”
| +—“input the number which needs factorization”
+—2 “Miller-Rabin primality test”
+—“type number of testcases”
+—“input the number which needs factorization”

You can runner each single file
which has been listed:

Algorithm trivial prime Miller-Rabin primality test
Trial division(baseline) trial_division.py note0
Euler’s factorization method euler_trivial.py note2 note1
Fermat’s factorization method fermatfactor_trivial.py fermatfactor_improved_prime.py
Pollard’s rho algorithm Pollards_rho_trivial.py Pollards_rho_improved_prime.py

Anything else you deem relevant.

1 I used the trivial prime:
which judge if a number is a prime.

2 I used another prime test called Miller-Rabin primality test:
which is much quicker and I have referenced in all my test cases. Prime test is correct.









